
With more than 100 systems in the field, the GeoDome product line makes the benefits of immersion accessible for a broad range of clients.

Immersive environments create a unique space for focused, collaborative learning. The GeoDome is an unparalleled tool for systems-based discovery, enabling rapid understanding of complex concepts in STEAM subjects (science, technology, engineering, arts and math). The network of educators using GeoDomes and digital globes includes NASA, NOAA, universities and public schools, and leading science centers around the globe.

For classrooms exploring their local ecosystem from many perspectives, for planetariums exploring our universe with the latest digital technologies, for museums providing hands-on exploration of science stories – the GeoDome empowers educators as it creates teachable moments and spaces for collaborative dialogue.

GeoDomes are a powerful way to capture attention and inspire imagination for our clients in entertainment and experiential marketing. Like head-mounted virtual reality displays, GeoDomes let users explore 360-degree content – but GeoDomes are accessible to all ages and abilities, and allow social, collaborative group experiences HMDs do not. For families experiencing a virtual theme park ride, for VR content development teams previewing the 3D environment they’re building, for marketing agencies showcasing their clients’ global presence – the GeoDome’s “wow” factor creates memorable experiences.

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